Quality and Procedures
Contributing to our country’s economy by using modern technologies of our country’s underground resources, protecting our world and nature, promoting our products in the best way in the international market, increasing the market share and competitiveness, becoming the leader in the marble sector, improving the working conditions of our employees by constantly improving the quality management system and efficiency. It is the main policy of our company to improve the satisfaction to the highest level and not to compromise on quality.
Our Mission; To follow technological innovations in order to support more conscious production in the marble industry, to meet the current and future needs of our customers with the most economical and most accurate product, and to strengthen the sector by increasing product quality and product efficiency.
Our vision; is to make our brands a quality leader in Turkey and in the world by meeting the changing and developing customer demands.
Our quality policy to realize our mission and vision;
In the products and services we provide; To keep customer satisfaction at the highest level, to manage customer feedback effectively,
To follow and apply technological developments closely in order to reduce costs and increase profitability,
To create a fast and effective working system by using technological opportunities in corporate communication with our suppliers and customers,
In order to provide sustainable service at the level of international standards, to establish and carry out effective quality management systems in all processes in our institution and to encourage the use of the “Process Approach” and “Risk-Based Thinking” philosophy throughout the institution,
To provide the necessary training and support for all employees to become more competent and able to use their talents at the highest level within the framework of quality systems,
To be an exemplary organization in terms of quality in the agricultural sector and respectful to the society we are in, by managing all our activities together with Occupational Health and Safety, Information Security and Anti-Corruption Management Systems,
To provide and carry out applicable conditions by constantly monitoring the effectiveness of the quality management system and making necessary improvements,
To fulfill the applicable national and international standards and legal requirements without sacrificing quality and to establish a quality management system that aims at continuous improvement.
About the Law on the Protection of Personal Data As Portsan; We care about the privacy of your private life and the protection of your personal data. For this purpose, we would like to inform you about the “Personal Data Protection Law”.
Within the scope of the Personal Data Protection Law (Law No. 6698), which is newly enacted in our country, you can apply to Portsan Mermer A. did you? In this way, you will be able to learn whether your personal data is used in accordance with the purpose of processing, to know to which third parties your personal data may be transferred at home or abroad, to correct your missing or incorrectly processed personal data, to have your personal data deleted or destroyed or anonymized if the reasons for processing disappear. . Correction, destruction and deletion made in this way; You can also request that your personal data be communicated to third parties. Your right to object to the emergence of a result against you by analyzing the processed data exclusively through automated systems, and your right to demand the compensation of the damage in case of loss due to the unlawful processing of personal data is now protected by the Law No. 6698.
Portsan Marble A.Ș, which always considers protecting the confidentiality and security of your information as one of its primary purposes. As of October 7, 2016, we will also announce to you, our valuable users and members, the solution and support mechanisms where you can exercise your above-mentioned rights. If you want to learn more about privacy, we are ready to help you.
You can report your requests and complaints regarding the processing of your Personal Data from portsan@portsan.com or our company’s phone number +90 248 317 13 00.
In order to provide safe and healthy working environments by keeping Occupational Health and Safety at the highest level, to prevent possible accidents and to create a conscious employee community about Occupational Health and Safety;
■ Protecting human health in a team spirit by complying with the legal regulations and conditions, determining and controlling the risks regarding the production and services specified in our scope, working with minimum risks by making continuous improvements in the Occupational Health and Safety conditions with the trainings to be received,
■ To carry out our activities with zero occupational accident by evaluating occupational health and safety at the highest level,
■ To prevent negative effects on the health of our employees and the people who will be affected by our activities, and to provide all kinds of protection to control the accidents, damages and dangers that may occur to our own and other persons’ property and property at the very beginning,
■ In order to ensure the permanence, protection and continuity of the system established and the measures taken, to ensure the adequate and effective implementation of the system, to measure performance with internal audits and to ensure that it is reviewed by the senior management, to set goals and targets for continuous improvement, to work in line with these goals and objectives. Health and Safety management programs
to establish the authority and responsibilities of individuals, to ensure continuity with Training, Information, Auditing studies, to ensure that our suppliers also work in accordance with TS 150 45001:2018 Occupational Health and Safety Management System Standard,
■ In this direction, by improving the occupational health and safety awareness of our employees, to make the OHS management system understanding a life philosophy,
■ Informing every new supplier in terms of employee health and safety,
■ Informing visitors, interns and subcontractors about occupational health and safety and ensuring that this is implemented,
■ Complying with our legal obligations and applicable OHS regulations,
■ Adapting the management approach, continuous improvement philosophy, methods and systems to the management system in all processes and continuously improving its effectiveness, internalizing it to all personnel, and increasing its market share, profitability and competitive power in this direction,
■ Developing and improving our management system continuously.
With this policy document, Portsan Marble A.Ș. emphasizes our corporate social responsibility principles and the importance and priority of the issue for our company.
Portsan Marble A.Ș. As a part of its core values of humility, respect for people and closeness to the public, it accepts acting with social responsibility awareness in all its activities as one of the basic and unchanging elements of its management approach. In this context, we expect Portsan Marble A.Ş. to manage the economic, social and environmental impacts of all its activities with a sense of responsibility and to keep the development of society on their agenda as a priority. We do not see the scope of our social responsibility understanding as limited to our business activities and their effects. We determine our understanding of social responsibility and our priorities in this regard, taking into account what is best for the society and the environment. We take care to take a leading role in activities aimed at protecting democracy, human rights and the environment.
Portsan Marble A.Ș. The Ethical Principles and Code of Conduct Procedure, which we have prepared and implemented within the framework of Corporate Social Responsibility Principles, guides us in the way we do business.
Our basic principles on which we base our social responsibility practices are as follows:
We do not accept discrimination based on language, race, color, gender, political opinion, belief, religion, sect, age, physical disability and similar reasons.
By creating a positive and harmonious working environment that supports cooperation, we prevent conflict environments and ensure that people with different beliefs, thoughts and views work in harmony.
We implement healthy living programs in order to contribute to the “protection of their health”, which is the most important factor for our employees to lead a quality and successful life.
Portsan Marble A.Ș. We believe that all of our employees have the right to work in a healthy and safe environment, under working conditions that comply with human dignity. Our employees are our most valuable asset, and ensuring and protecting the safety of our employees is our top priority business goal.
We expect our companies to implement the best environmental solutions beyond their legal obligations and to support any initiative that will help the development and dissemination of environmentally friendly technologies and increase environmental awareness. As Portsan Marble A.Ș., our social and environmental responsibilities towards society in all geographies where we operate; We take care to comply with our shareholders, employees, public institutions, non-governmental organizations and other stakeholders in a harmonious cooperation.
We believe that our human resources are the most important element of sustainable growth. We ensure that our employees’ personal rights are used fully and correctly. We treat our employees honestly and fairly, and commit to a non-discriminatory, safe and healthy working environment. We make the necessary effort for the personal development of our employees and observe the balance between business life and private life.
We manage the environmental impacts that may arise from all of our activities responsibly. All of our companies are obliged to identify and implement all kinds of improvement and development studies that will minimize the environmental impact of their activities at a level appropriate to their fields of activity.
Portsan Marble A.Ș. We strive for the development of our society within the framework of the corporate social responsibility principle. We support our employees to volunteer for appropriate social and community activities that they will take part in with a sense of social responsibility.
We take care to develop and implement approaches to ensure that all our business partners, especially our suppliers, act in accordance with the standards of Portsan Marble A.Ş. in the field of social responsibility.
We act sensitively to the traditions and cultures of Turkey and the countries in which we operate, and act in accordance with all legal regulations.
We encourage our companies to certify their practices by complying with international standards.
All the principles in this policy document are put into practice with the necessary regulations, and the level of implementation is supervised by the relevant units. We consider the success of companies in their social responsibility practices as an important criterion in evaluating company performances. Portsan Marble A.Ș. We share the corporate social responsibility activities we carry out with the public through our annual report and our website.
All of our managers and employees, especially the Chairman of the Board of Directors, are responsible for corporate social responsibility practices throughout our company.
This policy document is a clear commitment of Portsan Marble A. It is prepared to share.
Portsan has adopted the policy of raising awareness about preventing forced labor by providing training to all its employees in accordance with the labor law numbered 4857 and the ILO standards accepted by the international companies it works with.
A working personnel is obliged to perform the work specified in the job description in return for a fee, in accordance with the employment contract established with the employer with his/her consent. KBS undertakes not to have overtime work or work other than the employment contract without the consent of the employee.
Portsan’s working principles are based on volunteerism. If the employee quits the job, the company cannot prevent or delay it, except for any security reason. All kinds of information of our employees are protected and kept confidential to the extent specified by law.
This policy covers all employees of Portsan.
Our company prohibits all forms of forced labor, including prison work, apprenticeships, debt-paid labor, military or slave labor, and any form of human trafficking.
Within the scope of the Regulation on the Procedures and Principles of Employing Child and Young Workers; When child labor is employed at any stage of production, there will be absolutely no benefit from children. The material and moral rights of children and/or young workers will be fully protected and supported. It will be ensured that the employee is financially supported and goes to school until he or she is not legally a child. Young workers working only; will operate outside of school hours.
Our company does not employ any of its employees under any pressure or based on debt, and undertakes to employ all of its employees in appropriate positions, with their consent, under equal conditions. Employment is done in full compliance with legal requirements.
At the termination of the employment contract, it fulfills the conditions defined in the Labor Law for the employer and the employee.
Employment cannot be given to the prison and the convicts cannot be employed.
No recruitment expenses can be charged to the employee who will be hired.
Employee wages cannot be detained or delayed by leaving them for vacation returns.
PORTSAN MARBLE; It accepts and undertakes to comply with the ‘Minimum age to work’ specified in the International Labor Organization (ILO) standards, the labor law no.
Our aim; To provide a decent working environment for all our employees. In this context, all kinds of activities aimed at the abuse of child labor are prohibited by our company. Our company, the use of child labor; is to know that it harms the physical and spiritual development of children and that this means that their right to education is taken away.
Definition: Although the age limit for child labor differs with the labor law, international brands and contracts, as PORTSAN MARBLE, we define the age limit for child labor as having completed the age of 16 and at least one day from the age of 17.
Our policy; Employees with definite or indefinite employment contracts, interns, apprentices, piecework or per diem, etc. working with; In short, it includes everyone who is actually present in the business.
Responsibility and Distribution
The responsibility of preparing, updating and forwarding this procedure to the relevant units/persons rests with the Factory Manager. PORTSAN MARBLE employees will be able to access this policy and related procedures by following the personnel boards.
PORTSAN MARBLE; observing the human rights of his colleagues in his corporate life and business relations, and gender, age, belief, etc. It is based on the principle of non-discrimination for reasons. It guarantees that men and women will be equal in behavior and opportunities. It actively works to eliminate the inequalities observed within the society and the company in accessing resources and opportunities between women and men.
The company is committed to the realization of gender equality in business life and the economic empowerment of women, especially the United Nations Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW), international conventions to which Turkey is a party, the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) of which the company is a signatory, and the Women’s Empowerment Principles (WEPs), UN Sustainable Development Goals (UND SDGs) and targets, principles and regulations stipulated by national legislation are guided. In this context, it strives to continuously improve the culture and practices of the company, primarily within the following equality objectives. It is committed to advocating the following objectives across business and society:
• Maintaining a competency-based wage policy in a fair and effective manner, away from any kind of discriminatory approach,
• Including Human Resources practices such as recruiting, establishing business relationships, performance appraisal, training and promotion.
effective implementation of the prohibition of discrimination in all processes,
• Supporting the participation of female employees in decision-making positions in middle and senior management,
• The unpaid workload in the household, including the provision of work-life balance and child care,
promoting equal sharing among men and positive approaches such as involved fatherhood,
• Supporting the return to work of female employees after childbirth and avoiding possible losses in their career development.
• Representation of women in jobs, occupations and sectors traditionally dominated by men, and
Making studies to take place more in jobs, professions and sectors where it is traditionally intense,
• Violation of all kinds of sexual immunity and prevention of violence in the workplace,
• Free from sexism and contributing to the transformation of inequalities inside and outside the company.
• use of discourse,
• Appropriate work environment and space for women and men to exist in an equal way.
• considering the gender equality perspective in designing and new implementations.
In addition to this policy document, PORTSAN MARBLE has decided to develop and implement Equality Action Plans, which are renewed every year, in order to remain in line with the principles of gender balance and diversity within the company with the aim of continuous development in line with equality.